6 Top Productivity YouTube Channels

If you’re looking to up your productivity game, YouTube is a great place (other than Kill The Dragon Get The Gold) to start. Finding the right kind of productivity content can be tricky though, there’s just too much choice. Which is why I’ve compiled this short list of the top 6 YouTube Productivity Channels.

And if you just want to binge YouTube to procrastinate instead of working, why not binge Productivity YouTube content?

Better Ideas

Better Ideas is a Youtube channel created by Joey Schweitzer. Joey has been posting videos there about various aspects of productivity since 2017.

One thing that makes Better Ideas different from many productivity YouTube Channels is that it focuses much more on mindset. Rather than coming up with a new way to make todo lists and set goals each video, Better Ideas makes videos on exploring your mentality, such as:

Captain Sinbad

Part comedian, part filmmaker and part personal development guru, captain Sinbad is a whole lot of fun to watch while you work on your productivity game.

Nikhil offers some really great advice in his videos including making sure that not only are you staying productive but that you are focusing your productive energies on the right things.

In The Hard Truth About Making Your Dreams Come True Nikhil gives viewers a piece of advice I gave many of my consulting clients – Don’t wait till you have the job to start doing the job, do the job then you’ll get the job.

The Watches Once series is a particular favorite of mine, check it out if you want a laugh, you wont regret it!

Pick Up Limes

Though primarily a plant-based lifestyle channel, Sadia also posts videos on other aspects of her life, one of which being productivity and minimalism.

Although she posted her first YouTube video in 2017, the channel came to my attention when I transitioned from GTD to Bullet Journaling and found her video on her minimal bullet journal setup.

Sadia also posts on:

Productivity Tips
Achieving Your Goals
Healthy Productivity Habits

Rowena Tsai

Rowena is a great productivity YouTuber. Not only does she create great videos focused on time management, mindset, motivation and habit creation, but also gives practical advice that viewers can follow step by step.

This dedication to giving practical advice to her viewers is embodied in her House of Potatoes Worksheets. These are worksheets that accompany some of her videos to help viewers make real change in their lives.

On the last day of 2021 Rowena posted a video How to Reset for 2022 in which she looks back at the previous year and also sets intentions for the coming year. Accompanying this video are a set of Worksheets that walk you through the exact same process.

GTD (David Allen)

David Allen has had a huge impact on not only my life but the productivity sphere as a whole and so a list of productivity channels would not be complete without including GTD.

Though Getting Things Done was released in 2001, David Allen is still posting videos regularly. During the lock-downs of 2020 David posted 30 two minute videos he named Two Minute Tips for Turbulent Times. The compilation of which is is a great hour of productivity for anyone, even if you don’t do GTD.

If there is any book that is a must read in the personal productivity genre it has to be Getting Things Done or Making It All Work (I prefer the later.)

Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson is a well-known professor of psychology from the University of Toronto and his YouTube channel was originally a place he would upload his lectures.

After his rise to fame in 2017 he has started uploading videos of a number of different topics. His lecture series on Genesis will make you rethink the Bible, regardless of your original opinions.

More recently Jordan has done a series of interviews with guests ranging from Steven Pinker and Stephen Fry to Jocko Willink and Russell Brand.

Within these lectures and interviews, most of which are over an hour in length, there are productivity gems waiting to be mined. And while I recommend you listen to and absorb the wisdom in his talks, there are many clips if you just want a few gems.

For those of you who are able to absorb more through music than a lecture, Akira the Don made some Amazing JBPWAVE albums which are also available on YouTube. Check out What would You Be Like below for a taste.

Gregory J. Gaynor

Meet Gregory, the writer & brains behind Face Dragons. He's the go-to guy for getting things done.

Gregory's been living the digital nomad life in Asia for as long as anyone can remember, helping clients smash their goals. He writes on topics like software, personal knowledge management (PKM), and personal development. When he's not writing, you'll catch him at the local MMA gym, nose buried in a book, or just chilling with the family.